Hollywood loves Seattle. Our moody lighting and charming landscapes draw filmmakers to the Northwest to make memorable movies, from drama to romance to Sasquatch comedies. Sometimes they get us right—coffee, drizzle, awkward locals—and sometimes, well, we can tell that they actually filmed in Vancouver. Seattle Met dives into the films made and set in Seattle to find out how we fare on the silver screen. Lights, camera, Space Needle.

In This Feature:

Sleepless in Seattle Makes Me Deeply Grateful That I Don’t Remember the '90s

New York is the city that never sleeps, Seattle is the city that never processes its feelings.

12/31/2021 By Sophie Grossman

Harry and the Hendersons: A Seattle Bigfoot Bromance

Ah, "the Wallingford section." That part of town filled with swimming pools and taxidermy.

12/30/2021 By Allecia Vermillion

10 Things I Hate About You Shows Us the Real Seattle

Leave it to an angsty teen to give us a nuanced look at our city.

12/30/2021 By Zoe Sayler

Fifty Shades of Grey: Is It 50 Shades of Terrible?

Floggers, pencil skirts, and that oh-so-sexy I-5 and I-90 Interchange.

12/29/2021 By Angela Cabotaje

Why Does Where'd You Go, Bernadette Hate Seattle?

The film version of Maria Semple's blockbuster novel misses the chance to truly skewer the city.

12/28/2021 By Allison Williams

Is Singles the Ultimate Seattle Movie?

Much of what the Cameron Crowe classic says about our city still holds true.

12/27/2021 By Benjamin Cassidy

A Big Seattle Movie Guide: What to Watch and What to Skip

Old, new, major, minor—here’s our city, and sometimes our state, on the screen.

04/28/2021 By Stefan Milne and Seattle Met Staff